I have created a Map that has clave as a string and as value a arrays of strings .
var miMapa = new Map();
miMapa.set("clave1", new Array("valor_a_1", "valor_a_2", "valor_a_3"));
miMapa.set("clave2", new Array("valor_b_1", "valor_b_2", "valor_b_3"));
miMapa.set("clave3", new Array("valor_c_1", "valor_c_2", "valor_c_3"));
I tried to go through it like this: (i is fixed) (they share the same keys)
var keys = Object.keys(miMapa);
for (var n = 0; n < keys.length; n++) {
otroMapa.get(keys[n]).innerHTML = miMapa.get(keys[n])[i];
But it does not work. How do you run a Map in JavaScript, how do you get your key and how do you get the value with your password?