I have a file structure and task automation with gulp.
When I run the default task if I read all the css files including the ones I send from node_modules, but when I add the browser-sync task and run again gulp it does not read any css file I leave the code below.
File structure:
- build
-- development
-- css
-- js
-- img
-- index.html
- node_modules
-- animate.css
-- (muchas otras)
- src
-- templates
-- sass
-- img
-- js
In the templates folder I have the views you put in with pug (jade)
File gulp:
'use stric';
const gulp = require("gulp"),
pug = require("gulp-pug"),
sass = require("gulp-sass"),
babel = require("gulp-babel"),
imagemin = require("gulp-imagemin"),
svgmin = require("gulp-svgmin"),
webp = require("gulp-webp"),
useref = require("gulp-useref"),
concat = require("gulp-concat"),
uncss = require("gulp-uncss"),
autoprefixer = require("gulp-autoprefixer"),
cleanCSS = require("gulp-uglify"),
uglify = require("gulp-uglify"),
htmlmin = require("gulp-htmlmin"),
browserSync = require("browser-sync").create();
env = process.env.NODE_ENV || "development",
dir = {
src : "src",
build : "build/development",
production : "build/production",
nm : "node_modules"
files = {
CSS : [
mCSS : "estilos.min.css",
JS : [
mJS : "codigos.min.js"
opts = {
pug : {
pretty : true,
locals : {
title : "Titulo Loco",
files : files
sass : {
outputStyle : "compressed"
// Task Pug
gulp.task("pug", () => {
.src( '${dir.src}/pug/*.pug')
.pipe( pug(opts.pug) )
.pipe(browserSync.reload({stream : true}));
// Task sass
gulp.task("sass", () => {
.src( '${dir.src}/sass/*.scss')
.pipe( sass(opts.sass) )
// Task watch
gulp.task("watch", () => {
gulp.watch('${dir.src}/pug/*.pug', ["pug"]);
gulp.watch('${dir.src}/sass/*.scss' , ["sass"]);
//Task server
gulp.task("server", () => {
server : '${dir.build}'
// Task default
gulp.task("default", ["pug", "sass", "server", "watch"]);
Pug file (html)
<!DOCTYPE html>
title Document
each css in files.CSS
link(rel="stylesheet", href='../../${css}')
h1 probando desde jade
p hola mundo
each js in files.JS
The code executed with the default task eliminating the server task calls without problems all the files, but when creating the server it does not call the csses