I have a form with ajax and I need to send two image files, if I send it without the ajax it works well, but I want to send it with ajax and it is not working. The data is received but it does not send the file by ajax, So the question is:
How can I send two files per ajax in laravel?
<form class="form-horizontal" id="formmass" role="form" accept-charset="UTF-8" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="id_mass" disabled>
<input type='text' class='form-control input-number-line' id='fecha_mass' maxlength='45' required='required' autofocus>
<input type='file' class='form-control' id='fotogeneral_mass_file' maxlength='45' required='required' autofocus>
<input type='file' class='form-control' id='fotodetalle_mass_file' maxlength='45' required='required' autofocus>
<button type="button" id="acciones" class="btn btn-warning edit" data-dismiss="modal">Editar</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
$('.modal-footer').on('click', '.edit',function(){
//var formData = new FormData();
var formData = new FormData($("#formmass")[0]);
// formData.append('fotogeneral_mass_file',$('#fotogeneral_mass_file'));
// formData.append('fotodetalle_mass_file',$('#fotodetalle_mass_file'));
type: 'Post',
url: '../update/'+id,
data: formData,
cache: false,
contentType: false,
processData: false,
error: function(jqXHR, text, error){
toastr.error('Validation error!', 'No se pudo Añadir los datos<br>'+error, {timeOut: 5000});
success: function(data){
toastr.error('Validation true!', 'se pudo Añadir los datos<br>'+error, {timeOut: 5000});
In the controller I have the following file, where I take the file name and save it, if I do it without ajax it works for me.
$file = Input::file('fotogeneral_mass_file');
$nombre = $file->getClientOriginalName();
\Storage::disk('local')->put($nombre, \File::get($file));
$file2 = Input::file('fotodetalle_mass_file');
$nombre = $file2->getClientOriginalName();
\Storage::disk('local')->put($nombre, \File::get($file2));