Consume SOAP Service that requires a digital certificate (AXIS2)


Good morning, I am developing an application to consume SOAP services. These services require a digital signature to authenticate.

Can someone guide me? How I implement authentication using the electronic signature file.

I used Axis2 to generate the necessary java classes.

The application is to consume the new services of the hacienda in Spain.


asked by tjxob 08.04.2017 в 19:26

2 answers


The digital signature files are handled in different formats, it has to match those that your soap server asks for.

In Mexico 2 files are used to do this, a .cer file that is a digital certificate, and a .key that is an encrypted private key der file.

Depending on the server, different actions are required:

  • Sign a text string with the private key (you also need to know with what algorithm to sign it for example "SHA-1").
  • send the file in der, and the encryption key
  • send the decrypted file
  • convert the der (decrypted) to pem (sometimes re-encrypt it)
answered by 08.04.2017 в 20:51

Did you find how to put the digital certificate? I also have to validate myself against the Soap of the new estate Sii. I'd appreciate it if you told me something already.

answered by 10.05.2017 в 17:05