A help, I need to convert the file file (photo jpg) to String base64 and send it as a String through the json or my action reserve.
The jsp view where I declare the File
Json where I send the values entered to the reserve action
Action reserves who receives the String type variables. Also how would the String 64 base get in the action to save it in my bd as a blob?
Console error: Notification (set struts.devMode to false to disable this message): Unexpected Exception caught setting 'fotosBytes' on' class com.redsocial.action.ProgramacionAction: Error setting expression 'fotosBytes' with value' [Ljava.lang.String; @ 3067000 ' ERROR [http-nio-8081-exec-2] - Could not find action or result / DAWI_Canchitav_vEdu_v6_System / reserve? TextBooking = zzzz & startdate = 2017-11-13 + 15% 3A30% 3A00 & enddate = 2017-11-13 + 16% 3A00% 3A00 & dniClient = 123 & photosBytes = C% 3A% 5Cfakepath% 5C0 .jpg & promotion = Frame & idCancha = 1 No result defined for action com.redsocial.action.ProgramacionAction and result input