I have this procedure stored in PostgreSQL:
CREATE FUNCTION ratpais_indcicloinmo() RETURNS trigger AS $ratpais_indcicloinmo$
UPDATE sde.ratpais SET indcicloinmo=(pond1cicloinmo)*(pond2cicloinmo)*(cicloinmo);
$ratpais_indcicloinmo$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CREATE TRIGGER ratpais_indcicloinmo BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON sde.ratpais
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE ratpais_indcicloinmo();
The problem is that when I execute it next to its trigger, it gives me 4 stack overflow error because you can not use UPDATE in the function and the trigger because it generates a recursion that overflows the stack, but I do not know how to eliminate this problem ...
The only thing I need with this SQL code is to multiply 3 fields and save the result in another field already created, and this should be automatically done (thanks to the trigger) each time a new value is inserted in the table.
Thank you very much for your time!