When I give in my onclick event sending a date I am left


It happens that I am developing a system in php and the result of a query is this:

$data = '<table class="table table-striped">

//if (!$result = mysql_query($query)) {
   // exit(mysql_error());

// if query results contains rows then featch those rows 
    $i_conductor = $_POST['i_conductor'];
    $query = mysql_query("SELECT c.id_conductor,c.nombre_conductor,c.apellido_conductor,SUM(s.precio) AS precio,s.fecha_servicio FROM servicios s INNER JOIN conductor c ON s.id_conductor = c.id_conductor WHERE c.id_conductor = $i_conductor GROUP BY s.fecha_servicio"); 

    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query))

        $id_conductor = $row["id_conductor"];
        $conductor = $row["nombre_conductor"]. " " .$row["apellido_conductor"];
        $precio = $row["precio"];
        $fecha = $row["fecha_servicio"];
        $fecha_format = strtotime($fecha);
        $fecha_format2 = date('d-m-Y',$fecha_format);

        $data .= '<tr>
            <td id="detalle_conductor" name="detalle_conductor" value='.$id_conductor.'>'.$id_conductor.'</td>
            <td id="detalle_conductor_fecha" name="detalle_conductor_fecha" value='.$fecha.'>'.$fecha_format2.'</td>
                <button type="button" id="fecha_servicio" name="fecha_servicio" value='.$fecha.' onclick="DetalleIngresos('.$id_conductor.','.$fecha.')"  class="btn btn-borders btn-primary mr-xs mb-sm">Ver Detalles</button>
    // records now found 
    $data .= '<tr><td colspan="6">No existe ningun dato!</td></tr>';

$data .= '</table>';

echo $data;

However, as you can see, there is a onclick() with two parameters, one is an id, and the other is a date, it happens that when the page loads everything is fine, even if I give F12 for see if I pass the variable I see that in onclick says DetailIngresos (2,2017-12-15) but when I do click , that date transforms it in 1990, meaning those "-" takes it as if they were subtraction. So how do I do it, because that date I need it so that when click takes me to another query I pass it from AJAX to PHP where the date is an important parameter and it's as if in the where I said 1990 but I need 2017-12-15.

Here is my code JAVASCRIPT of DetailInsidences ():

function DetalleIngresos(d_id_conductor,d_fecha) {
d_fecha_ingresos = d_fecha;
$.post("ajax/reportes/detalle_ingresos_conductor.php", {
        detalle_conductor : d_id_conductor,
        detalle_conductor_fecha : d_fecha,
    function (data, status) {
// Open modal popup

And this is the query you make in PHP :

// include Database connection file 

    $data = '<table class="table table-striped">
                        <th>ID Servicio</th>

if(isset($_POST['detalle_conductor']) && isset($_POST['detalle_conductor_fecha']))
    $detalle_conductor = $_POST['detalle_conductor'];
    $d_fecha_ingresos = $_POST['detalle_conductor_fecha'];

    $query = mysql_query("SELECT s.id_servicio,s.precio,s.fecha_servicio FROM servicios s INNER JOIN conductor c ON s.id_conductor = c.id_conductor WHERE c.id_conductor = $detalle_conductor AND s.fecha_servicio = '$d_fecha_ingresos' "); 

    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query))

        $id_servicio = $row["id_servicio"];
        $precio = $row["precio"];
        $fecha = $row["fecha_servicio"];
        $fecha_format = strtotime($fecha);
        $fecha_format2 = date('d-m-Y',$fecha_format);

        $data .= '<tr>
    // records now found 
    $data .= '<tr><td colspan="6">No existe ningun dato!</td></tr>';

$data .= '</table>';

echo $data;
asked by Jhorvy 05.01.2018 в 08:22

3 answers


Try to enclose the date in quotes, just like the raisin will never work. The result should be something like the following:

DetailIncome (2, '2017-12-15')

answered by 05.01.2018 в 09:20

First try changing the button in this way and tell me if your problem has been solved:

<button type="button" id="fecha_servicio" name="fecha_servicio" value='.$fecha.' onclick="DetalleIngresos('.$id_conductor.',\"'.$fecha.'\")"  class="btn btn-borders btn-primary mr-xs mb-sm">Ver Detalles</button>

Or else:

<button type="button" id="fecha_servicio" name="fecha_servicio" value='.$fecha.' onclick="DetalleIngresos('.$id_conductor.',\''.$fecha.'\')"  class="btn btn-borders btn-primary mr-xs mb-sm">Ver Detalles</button>
answered by 05.01.2018 в 09:24

I would recommend making a couple of changes.

In your PHP , when creating the button, to pass parameters, enclose the date in quotes

<button type="button" id="fecha_servicio" name="fecha_servicio" value='.$fecha.' onclick="DetalleIngresos('.$id_conductor.',\''.$fecha.'\')"  class="btn btn-borders btn-primary mr-xs mb-sm">Ver Detalles</button>

In your JavaScript , try to define the date type variable

var d_fecha_ingresos = new Date('d_fecha');
answered by 05.01.2018 в 10:47