I need to send several variables from one script to another script that I have on another server, for example the first script gets the title content and tags of the posts created on the web page, so I need to put that data in variable and then send them to the other script that is on another server, which must collect those variables and then use them in the script.
look on the Internet and I found something about using Get but I think it is necessary to click on the link so you can send the data but I just want to pass the variables I do not need any form or buttons because everything is done by means of code does not need interaction with the user.
This is what I found:
//mandar datos
<a href="http://url.pagina.destino/?variable1=valor1&variable2=valor2">Enlace a página de destino</a>
//obtener datos
$v1 = $_GET['variable1'];
$v2 = $_GET['variable2'];