My problem is this:
I have an html button, which I call with php, pair that I perform a discount function (-1) with an api, putting it this way it works perfect to discount and shows me the result. But before discounting I want an alert with JS, asking if you are sure of discounting and if it gives if the api is executed in php.
I have the following code:
if ($_POST['action'] == 'descontar') {
<script type="text/javascript">
x = window.confirm('¿Está Seguro de Descontar?');
if (x == true) {
<?php //aquí empieza la api que descuenta
$Mostrar_saldo = file_get_contents('');
$Mostrar = json_decode($Mostrar_saldo, true);
$my_array = array_shift($Mostrar);
$saldo = $my_array['saldo'];
echo "<br>";
print "Saldo Anterior: $my_array[saldo]";
echo "<br>";
$nuevo_saldo = $saldo - 1;
$actualiza_saldo = (file_get_contents(''.$nuevo_saldo));
$actualiza = json_decode($actualiza_saldo, true);
$my_array = array_shift($actualiza);
echo "Saldo Actual: $nuevo_saldo";
?> //aquí termina la api que descuenta
return true;
document.write ("No continuar. Elija una Opción");
return false;
With this code, the api works and it discounts normally, but it does not show me any alert, nor the echo that says the balance.