I make it short. I have certain variables in script1 collected from html1 , and I want to see some from script2 when loading html2 . I tried using global variables, but I can not. I see them empty from script2 . I guess it's due to a question of scope that I do not know.
The user goes from html1 to html2 with a button. The variable of which I speak is, in particular, an option of a dropdown that I capture with JQuery and it is saved in a global variable. html1 and html2 each have their script. What I want to do is load html2 and show the option that the user chose in said dropdown located in html1 .
I tried doing this:
variableGlobal = funcionXqueRetornaOpciondeDropdown;
and then use the same variable in script2 , but I see it undefined. (Note that I refer to the two scripts in html2 at the end of the body)
dropdownCaptura = function (dropdown, boton) {
dropdown.on('click', 'li', function () {
ciudad = $(this).text();
if (boton.hasClass("btn-danger")) {
boton.switchClass("btn-danger", "btn-primary", 0);
return ciudad;
ciudadOrigen = dropdownCaptura(dropdownOrigen1, btnDropdownOrigen1);
Dropdown capture works.
var ciudad = ciudadOrigen;