HTML Currency Converter


Good day everyone, I need help with a simple currency converter, which can convert from dollar to euros and vice versa, something like that link

asked by 28.06.2018 в 22:53

1 answer


The only thing I have done was to copy the code of the example that you indicate and make a couple of changes so that it is a currency converter, you would have to give it the necessary styles so that it is as you have it in the image:

function eurosDolares(valNum) {
function dolaresEuros(valNum) {
<title>Conversor de moneda.</title>
<h2>Conversor de moneda.</h2>
  <input id="inputEuros" type="number" placeholder="Euros" oninput="eurosDolares(this.value)" onchange="eurosDolares(this.value)">
  <input id="inputDolares" type="number" placeholder="Dolares" oninput="dolaresEuros(this.value)" onchange="dolaresEuros(this.value)">
answered by 29.06.2018 в 01:19