JQUERY Help with multiplying values of columns and adding the results


I have this table: the objective is to multiply value1 (first column) and value2 (second column) and the result (third column), then add each one of the results.

<table border="1">
                    <td>Sumar de :</td>
                    <td> 18</td>
asked by jehs 10.01.2018 в 07:07

1 answer


If we modify your table slightly to structure it conveniently with <thead> / <tdata> / <tfoot> the work can be simplified in the following way:

  • If the first and second values are numeric (they are not NaN ) and there is a third column, we calculate the product and show the result in it.
  • We accumulate the partial results to show them in the third column of the foot (if any).

PS: Doing the job with or without jQuery is pretty much the same.

Implementation without jQuery:

var total = 0.;
/* Localizamos las filas de datos */
var filas = document.querySelectorAll('table tbody tr');
/* Por cada fila sumamos los datos de la primera y segunda columna */
filas.forEach(function (valor, indice) {
  /* Localizamos las celdas de datos */
  var celdas = valor.querySelectorAll('td');
  /* Si son valores numéricos y existe la tercera columna */
  if (
    ! isNaN(celdas[0].innerText)
    ! isNaN(celdas[1].innerText)
    celdas[2] !== undefined
  ) {
    /* Calculamos el producto, mostramos el resultado y lo agregamos al total */
    var suma = parseFloat(celdas[0].innerText) * parseFloat(celdas[1].innerText);
    celdas[2].innerText = suma;
    total += suma;
/* Mostramos la salida */
var pie = document.querySelectorAll('table tfoot td');
if (pie[2] !== undefined) {
  pie[2].innerText = total;
<table border="1">

Implementation with jQuery:

var total = 0.;
/* Localizamos las filas de datos */
var filas = $('table tbody tr');
/* Por cada fila sumamos los datos de la primera y segunda columna */
filas.each(function (indice) {
  /* Localizamos las celdas de datos */
  var celdas = $( this ).find('td');
  /* Si son valores numéricos y existe la tercera columna */
  if (
    ! isNaN(celdas[0].innerText)
    ! isNaN(celdas[1].innerText)
    celdas[2] !== undefined
  ) {
    /* Calculamos el producto, mostramos el resultado y lo agregamos al total */
    var suma = parseFloat(celdas[0].innerText) * parseFloat(celdas[1].innerText);
    celdas[2].innerText = suma;
    total += suma;
/* Mostramos la salida */
var pie = $('table tfoot td');
if (pie[2] !== undefined) {
  pie[2].innerText = total;
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js" integrity="sha256-hwg4gsxgFZhOsEEamdOYGBf13FyQuiTwlAQgxVSNgt4=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<table border="1">
answered by 10.01.2018 в 08:15