I would like to know how to make a hello world in nasm with the Windows 8 64-bit operating system.
Or should I change to Tasm?
I would like to know how to make a hello world in nasm with the Windows 8 64-bit operating system.
Or should I change to Tasm?
the code to make a hola mundo
in asm
with TASM is like this
cadena DB "Hola Mundo$"
datos ENDS
codigo SEGMENT
ASSUME CS:codigo,ds:datos
inicio :MOV AX, datos
MOV AH,09h
MOV DX,offset cadena
INT 21h
fin: MOV AH,4Ch
INT 21h
codigo ENDS
END inicio
We save to file with extension asm, then execute the following commands located where we have the file asm
TASM namefile.asm
TLINK namefile
To execute this it is necessary to have the following components in the same directory asm: