I have the following table and I want to make a record of certain values from php but when I try to enter it tells me that there is an error when inserting the data
and I have the following code to enter that data to the base
$req_fields = array('codd','nro','razon','codt', 'date', 'codst', 'user', 'desc', 'dep', 'rif');
$codj = remove_junk($db->escape($_POST['codd']));
$ord = remove_junk($db->escape($_POST['nro']));
$razon = remove_junk($db->escape($_POST['razon']));
$tipo = remove_junk($db->escape($_POST['codt']));
$date = remove_junk($db->escape($_POST['date']));
$st = remove_junk($db->escape($_POST['codst']));
$user = remove_junk($db->escape($_POST['user']));
$desc = remove_junk($db->escape($_POST['desc']));
$dep = remove_junk($db->escape($_POST['dep']));
$rif = remove_junk($db->escape($_POST['rif']));
$sql = "INSERT INTO ordenes (";
$sql .= " date, cod_dep, nro_orden, departamento_name, rif_prov, razon_social ,tipo_orden ,status ,descripcion, usuario_r";
$sql .= ") VALUES (";
$sql .= "'{$date}','{$codj}','{$ord}','{$dep}','{$rif}','{$razon}','{$tipo}','{$st}','{$desc}','{$user}'";
$sql .= ")";
if($db->query($sql) or die (mysql_error()))
$session->msg('s',"Venta agregada ");
redirect('sales.php', false);
} else {
$session->msg('d','Lo siento, registro falló.');
redirect('sales.php', false);
} else {
$session->msg("d", $errors);
Could it be an error with the data types that entered or the array?