a while inside an html table


Good morning companions (here it's just 10am), to see if they can help me, because I do not know why the code does not work and I explain the code in a table I have "X" name let's say brands when I click on the brand, you must show me all the products that I have of that brand at the same time I will put both codes that I use.

<table class="table table-hover table-bordered"style="overflow:auto;width:100%;font-size:80%; border-collapse:collapse; margin-bottom:10px;box-shadow:5px 5px 5px grey;border: 1px solid blue;margin-top:10px">
        <thead><tr><td colspan="2" style="font-weight: bold;text-transform:uppercase;text-align:center;">Proyectos</td></tr></thead>
        <?php while($sub=$db1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){;?>
            <tbody><tr><td  style="overflow:auto;underline;cursor: pointer;color:blue;text-transform:uppercase;text-align:center;"onclick="proy1(<?php echo $sub['id_empresa'];?>)"><?php echo $sub['proyecto'];?></td>
            <td style="text-align:right;"><button <button class="btn btn-danger glyphicon glyphicon-remove" data-toggle="modal"data-toggle="tooltip"title="Eliminar" onclick="eliminar(<?php echo $sub['id'];?>);"></button></td></tr><?php };?>
        <!--<tfoot><tr><td>pie de pagina</td></tr></tfoot>--->

and with the script I use

function proy1(p){
    var id=<?=$id;?>;
    var p=p;
        type: "POST", 
        url: "mod_admin/tpl/config2.php",
        success: function(r){

This part works for me wonderfully and without problems because I have used the code before in other things now the code to show me the result is as follows:

$sql3="Select * from ".su." where id=".$ids;

<table class="table table-hover table-bordered"style="overflow:auto;width:100%;font-size:80%; border-collapse:collapse; margin-bottom:10px;box-shadow:5px 5px 5px grey;border: 1px solid blue;margin-top:10px">
        <thead><tr><td colspan="2" style="font-weight: bold;text-transform:uppercase;text-align:center;">Sub Proyectos</td></tr></thead>
                <?php while($sub2=$db1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){ ?>
                <?php echo $sub2['proyecto'];?>
                <td style="text-align:right;">
                <button class="btn btn-danger glyphicon glyphicon-remove" 
                <?php };?>

I already made a print_r to the result of the while and with the alert it shows me the perfect array, now because it does not work if in theory they are the same codes, to see if they can help me. Thanks

asked by Oscar Melendez 11.05.2018 в 18:11

1 answer


ok thanks to everyone for the help and I could solve the problem.  with the following code

    function proy1(p){
    var id=<?=$id;?>;
    var p=p;
        type: "POST", 
        url: "mod_admin/tpl/config2.php",
        success: function(r){
$("#sub_proyecto").load("mod_admin/tpl/config2.php",{"ids":p,"id":id});-> este codigo era que me hacia falta para poder mostrar en la tabla la consulta si de casualidad otra persona conoce otra solucion entonces que me pase para probar gracias
answered by 11.05.2018 / 20:25