In these cases the easiest thing is to change the cycle for
to while
, so that the control variable of while
is the index itself and can be modified without problems from within the cycle itself.
Since I do not know what your function funmeta()
or what i.m
is, I leave you an implementation with the same idea, change the iteration index within the own cycle at will when going through a list.
In this example you can change the index by returning the function getIndx
using a input
, if you enter a valid index the function returns this index and the loop is 'reset' by that position in the list, if it is entered otherwise, the function returns -1 and the cycle continues normally:
lista = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
def getIndx(lista):
index = int(input("Introduce el nuevo indice, entre 0 y {0} o otra si desea continuar el ciclo: ".format(len(lista)-1)))
if index in range(0, len(lista)):
return index
return -1
#A partir de aquí el código es el sustituto de tu for
k = 0
while k < len(lista):
v = lista[k]
print('Indice:', k, 'Valor:', lista[k])
index = getIndx(lista)
if index >= 0:
k = index
If you have problems adapting it to your code, edit the question by adding the minimum code to be able to play your program.