I am trying that, when the user enters the name of a region, if the same one is repeated it will be shown in the screen "An error occurred", but I can not.
class Region
private $regID;
private $regNombre;
private function cargarDatosDesdeForm()
public function agregarRegion()
$link = Conexion::conectar();
$sql = "INSERT INTO regiones(regNombre) VALUES (:regNombre)";
$stmt = $link->prepare($sql);
$regNombre = $this->getRegNombre();
return true;
return false;
require "clases/Conexion.php";
require "clases/Region.php";
$objRegion = new Region();
<p>Region agregada</p>
<?php }else{ ?>
<p>Lo siento,ocurrio un error.</p>
<?php /*if('codigo de error==666'){ //Con el codigo de error mostrar esto:
<p>Ya hay una region con ese nombre.</p>
<?php } ?>
But what I see on the screen is the following:
Warning: PDOStatement :: execute (): SQLSTATE [23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'America' for key 'regName' in C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ test \ classes \ Region.php on line 60
Region added
- How can I avoid the error message?
- How can I do so that if there is an error, Region Added does not appear, but "Did an error occur"?
- And what about the mysql error code to know if the error is that the name is repeated?
PS: The RegName field is unique.