I use a class API
based on JQuery
to work with everything related to api
. Depending on the api
to use the token
will have a different operation, in my case my API
uses the token by Header
of the petición HTTP
var api; // Variable api global para todos los .js
class Api {
// Se usa el constructor para crear nuestra api con la url correcta
constructor(host, port, protocol, token) {
this.host = host;
this.port = port;
this.protocol = protocol;
this.token = token;
this.baseUrl = protocol + host + ":" + port + "/";
this.result = undefined;
this.req = undefined;
// Creamos las funciones GET, POST y les asignamos un succes CallOut para recuperar los datos de la peticion
Get(req, async) {
this.req = req;
//Creamos una peticion ajax usando jQuery, aqui deberias de crear la petición usando los parámetros que necessites para tu API
$.ajax({ async: async, type:'get', url: this.baseUrl + req, headers: {
"token": this.token
}, success: successCallOut, error: function(xhr,status,error){
console.log("-----------Error Api GET " + this.baseUrl + req + "------------------");
console.log("Status: " + status);
console.log("Error :" + error);
console.log("---------------End Error----------------");
this.result = "error";
while (this.result == undefined) {}
return this.result;
return this.Get(req, false);
return this.Get(req, true);
Post(req, body, bodyType, async) {
this.req = req;
$.ajax({ async: async, type:'post', url: this.baseUrl + req, data: body, contentType: bodyType, headers: {
"token": this.token
}, success: successCallOut, error: function(xhr,status,error){
console.log("-----------Error Api POST " + api.baseUrl + req + "------------------");
console.log("Body: \"" + bodyType + "\" " + body);
console.log("Status: " + status);
console.log("Error: " + error);
console.log("---------------End Error----------------");
this.result = "error";
while (this.result == undefined) {}
return this.result;
PostJson(req, body, async){
return this.Post(req, body, "application/json", async);
PostJsonSync(req, body){
return this.Post(req, body, "application/json", false);
PostJsonAsync(req, body){
return this.Post(req, body, "application/json", true);
$.ajax({ async: false, type:'get', url: this.baseUrl + req,
success: tokenCallOut, error: function(xhr,status,error){
console.log("-----------Error Api GET " + this.baseUrl + req + "------------------");
console.log("Status: " + status);
console.log("Error :" + error);
console.log("---------------End Error----------------");
this.token = "error";
function tokenCallOut(data){
console.log("API TOKEN SUCCESS");
api.token = data;
// Aqui es donde trabajaremos con los resultados de la petición, por ejemplo tu haces la peticion a /productos y la redirijes a la funcion ProcesarProductos(), mi ejemplo es /news/last
function successCallOut(data){
console.log("API GET/POST SUCCESS");
api.result = data;
switch (api.req){
case "auth":
case "handle":
case "news/last":
function ShowLastNews() {
//Recuperamos el resultado de la peticion
var news = api.result;
//Mostramos el resultado de la petición
//Aqui és donde tienes que hacer los GetElementById() y assignarles el contenido de la petición
More information of AJAX
with JQuery
To work with this class is very easy you just need to call the function GET
of the class
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = IndexLoadCode;
function IndexLoadCode() {
api = new Api('localhost','3000','http://','');
Which returns the next result
In my case as the request that returns the api and returns it as JSON I get the object directly as JSON and I do not need the JSON.Parse ()
To add the content to the elements, it's that simple
You can also add it by creating elements DOM
Create elements of the DOM with jquery
To add css
To change the image use attr
Extra information on how to work with JSON
Tour JSON with JQuery
How can I traverse a json array and get its values to show them in the view?
I hope you have not left me anything and that it will help you!