I'm doing an installer, which needs to send a query at the end of the installation and after mounting the sMySQL service. I have no idea how this is done, this would be in the CODE section in PascalScript.
Once the installation is finished, an XML is accessed to load them at a pair of ListBox
, by having them selected we send the data (which includes Country, Currency and some others). Previously it was done through JAVA with IzPack , with the following code.
String insert = "INSERT INTO 'simarin'.'moneda' ('mon_id', 'moneda', 'abr', 'tipoCambio', 'singPlur', 'caracter','mn' ,'img16', 'img24', 'img32', 'status') "
+ "VALUES (" + ((isPrincipal) ? "1" : "null") + ", '" + de.getName() + "', '" + de.getWSMoneda().getAbr() + "', " + convert(a.getWSMoneda(), de.getWSMoneda()) + " "
+ ", '" + de.getWSMoneda().getSingPlur() + "', '" + de.getWSMoneda().getCaracter()
+ "'," + (isPrincipal ? 1 : 0) + " ,?, ?, ?, 1);";
PreparedStatement pse = conn.prepareStatement(insert);
pse.setBlob(1, b16);
pse.setBlob(2, b24);
pse.setBlob(3, b32);
It's the code that was passed to me to translate it to Inno Setup but I have no idea how to do it. Does anyone know what it would be like?