I have created a combo with values that I get from a table in the database using an id. I need that combo to be multiple selection but when I put in the xtype:'multiselect'
it does not show me any value.
xtype : 'multiselect',
fieldLabel: this.i18n.fieldSintomas,
hiddenName : 'fovaPsicoSintomas',
displayField: 'valoNombre',
valueField : 'valoId',
typeAhead: true,
forceSelection: true,
titleCollapse: true,
triggerAction: 'all',
store: new Ext.data.JsonStore({
url : ctx + '/valores.do',
autoLoad : false,
remoteSort : false,
baseParams : {
op : 'listByEntidad',
entiId : 97
sortInfo : {
field : "valoNombre",
direction : "ASC"
fields : ['valoId', 'valoNombre']
With the parameter entiId
what I do is get the values of the table that contain that Id to be able to show them in my combo.