The error would give in the use as a parameter in the two methods of the character. They use the Flag Type, saying that they do not know that type.
#ifndef __PERSONAJE_H
#define __PERSONAJE_H
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "Bandera.h"
#include "ListaPLataformas.h"
#include "plataforma.h"
#include "Pantalla.h"
typedef struct PersonajeRep * Personaje;
Personaje crea_Personaje(double x, double y,int vy,int vx );
int actualiza_Personaje(Personaje p,ListaPlataformas l,int x_c,Bandera b,time_t* fin);
int colisision_Bandera(Personaje p,Bandera b);
This is the .h that creates the conflict of unknown type name "Flag". The thing is that I used to have a cyclical reference with the inclusion of headings, and I already moved the only method that made me include the character.h in Bandera.h, that method was colision_Bandera (Character p, Flag b).
So I do not know why it gives this error and I can not fix it.
Here would be the code of Bandera.h.
#ifndef __BANDERA_H
#define __BANDERA_H
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "Pantalla.h"
typedef struct BanderaRep * Bandera;
Bandera crea_Bandera(double x, double y);
void dibujar_Bandera(Bandera b);
void transforma_Bandera(int x_c,Bandera b);
double getAncho_Bandera(Bandera b);
double getAlto_Bandera(Bandera b);
double getX_Bandera(Bandera b);
double getY_Bandera(Bandera b);
void libera_Bandera(Bandera b);
Thank you very much in advance to anyone who can help me with this error.
Here would be the compiler information. Or is it something else that you need?