Error: unknown type name


The error would give in the use as a parameter in the two methods of the character. They use the Flag Type, saying that they do not know that type.

    #ifndef __PERSONAJE_H
    #define __PERSONAJE_H
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <time.h>
    #include "Bandera.h"
    #include "ListaPLataformas.h"
    #include "plataforma.h"
    #include "Pantalla.h"

    typedef struct PersonajeRep * Personaje;

    Personaje crea_Personaje(double x, double y,int vy,int vx );

    int actualiza_Personaje(Personaje p,ListaPlataformas l,int x_c,Bandera b,time_t* fin);
    int colisision_Bandera(Personaje p,Bandera b);



This is the .h that creates the conflict of unknown type name "Flag". The thing is that I used to have a cyclical reference with the inclusion of headings, and I already moved the only method that made me include the character.h in Bandera.h, that method was colision_Bandera (Character p, Flag b).

So I do not know why it gives this error and I can not fix it.

Here would be the code of Bandera.h.

  #ifndef __BANDERA_H
  #define __BANDERA_H

  #include <stdlib.h>
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include "Pantalla.h"

  typedef struct BanderaRep * Bandera;

  Bandera crea_Bandera(double x, double y);

   void dibujar_Bandera(Bandera b);

   void transforma_Bandera(int x_c,Bandera b);

   double getAncho_Bandera(Bandera b);
   double getAlto_Bandera(Bandera b);
   double getX_Bandera(Bandera b);
   double getY_Bandera(Bandera b);

   void libera_Bandera(Bandera b);


Thank you very much in advance to anyone who can help me with this error.


Here would be the compiler information. Or is it something else that you need?

asked by Juanvaquero 13.05.2017 в 14:51

1 answer

typedef struct PersonajeRep * Personaje;

To be able to define the alias Personaje a structure named PersonajeRep must be previously declared:

struct PersonajeRep
  // ...

typedef struct PersonajeRep* Personaje;

Or at least you should use declaration forward :

struct PersonajeRep;

typedef struct PersonajeRep* Personaje;

// ...

struct PersonajeRep
  // ...

And the same for Bandera . If those structures are already defined what you need is to add the corresponding #include so that the compiler can know the structure.

answered by 15.05.2017 в 02:27