I am trying to implement frames in my ionic application, what I want is to show on the top data or information of a user and in the remaining part show a page that consumes webservices. (in this case if there is no Internet, a connection error message will be displayed)
this is what I have so far:
<link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet">
<ion-view hide-nav-bar="true">
<ion-content class="padding fondo">
<FRAMESET rows="80,*">
<frame name="central" src="perfil.html">
<frame name="alto" src="paginaWeb.html">
How could I implement? since at the moment of executing it does not show me anything. I thank you very much in advance
Pta. The idea is that, if there is no internet connection, the user's information will be shown and in the other frame, my error message will be displayed.
so you can understand me I share this link frames html