Good morning. I have a vector with 17000 latitudes and another with 17000 lengths. Or if the same, in a vector of ordered parts [lat, lon]
The idea would be that all points within an area are unified. That is, suppose we divide the map into cells of 0.25 * 0.25. then, averaging all the points that are in that square.
the lats range from -90 to 90 and longs from 0 to 360.
latmenor = -90.
lonmenor = 0
steplat = 0.25
auxlat = []
auxfinlat = []
print "Lats size!", lats.size
auxlat = []
VectorVectoresLat = []
h = 0
while h != 180:
if auxlat != []:
for i in range(lats.size):
if latmenor < lats[i] < (latmenor+steplat):
latmenor = latmenor + steplat
print VectorVectoresLat
print "longitud de aux2", len(VectorVectoresLat)
I could do it with the latitudes, but I can not make it work taking into account the lengths .. any help? Thank you!!
lats = vector with latitudes
lon = vector with lengths.