I have a table in HTML and I want to show and hide a label label that is inside a when a check is selected, by default the label is hidden, the problem is that if I put the css code in a separate file JavaScript It shows me the label label, but if I put the CSS code in the HTML if it works. Can someone help me?
I put the code to be clear.
html code of the check that calls the Js and the label that I want to show:
<input type="checkbox" id="idCheckApellidos" name="checkApellidos" value="apellidos" onclick="mostrarApellidos()" ></input>
<td> <label id="labelApe2">Apellido2:</label></td>
CSS code by which I hide the tag:
#labelApe2 {
display: none;
Javascript code to display the tag:
function mostrarApellidos() {
var checkeado = document.getElementById('idCheckApellidos').checked;
if (checkeado) {
document.getElementById('labelApe2').style.display = '';
else {
document.getElementById('labelApe2').style.display = 'none';
If instead of putting the CSS in an external file, I put it in dripping if it works, but I need it to be in an external file.
example of the label with css enbedded that if it works, it is shown with the Javascript:
<td> <label id="labelApe2" style="display: none">Apellido2:</label></td>