Working with a free project on GitHub, I made a fork of it, made some changes and asked for a PR, which was accepted.
I updated my fork upstream and kept making other changes, and then going back to doing another PR.
At that moment, I realized that my new PR included all the commits I had already made, and even all the files.
It was assumed that when doing the upstream, I should have been up to date, but either I failed at something, or my fork never heard about the accepted PR.
To avoid that, I made a branch with only the modified files. However, the PR of that branch still includes all the commits I made.
Not so with the files, only the modified one goes.
So, what is the correct way to work when you fork a project?
Should I have executed some more command besides the upstream? Or do I just have to empty my fork after each PR and go back to work as if it were zero?