problems with javascript objects


I have a board object that is as follows:

   function Tablero(){

    this.mapa = 

    this.habilitarPos = function(){
        var coorCompleta = this.disponible().split("-");        
        return [coorCompleta[0],coorCompleta[1]];       

    this.disponible = function(){ 
            var nuevoDisp = []; //retorna un arreglo de las posiciones 
            this.mapa.forEach(function(fila,indexf) {
                fila.forEach(function(colum,indexc) {
                    if(colum === 0){
            //retorna una posicion cualquiera del arreglo de posiciones vacias
            return nuevoDisp[Math.floor((Math.random() * nuevoDisp.length))]


    this.actualizar = function(elemento){
        if(this.mapa[elemento.posfila][elemento.poscol] !== 0){
            if(this.mapa[elemento.posfila][elemento.poscol].tipo == 3){
                this.mapa[elemento.posfila][elemento.poscol] =  elemento;           
                this.mapa[elemento.posfila][elemento.poscol] =  4;
            this.mapa[elemento.posfila][elemento.poscol] =  elemento;

    this.quitarCaballo = function(elemento){
         if(this.mapa[elemento.posfila][elemento.poscol] == 4){ 
            if(elemento.tipo == 1){
                this.mapa[elemento.posfila][elemento.poscol] =  maquina;
            }else if(elemento.tipo == 2){
                this.mapa[elemento.posfila][elemento.poscol] =  usuario;
             this.mapa[elemento.posfila][elemento.poscol] =  0;

    this.pintarme = function(){

        this.mapa.forEach(function(fila,indexf) { //recorrer mi mapa y pintar 0 = vacio, 4 = usuario y maquina, objeto = objeto
                    if(elemento !== 0 && elemento !== 4){
                        switch(elemento.tipo) {
                                case 1://usuario
                                    $("#"+elemento.posfila+elemento.poscol).html("<img src='img/usuario.png' width='50px' height='50px' />");
                                case 2://maquina
                                    $("#"+elemento.posfila+elemento.poscol).html("<img src='img/maquina.png' width='50px' height='50px' />");
                                case 3://manzana
                                    $("#"+elemento.posfila+elemento.poscol).html("<img src='img/manzana.png' width='50px' height='50px' />");
                    }else if(elemento == 4){
                                $("#"+indexf+indexc).html("<img src='img/UM.png' width='50px' height='50px' />");


when creating it:

var tablero_Original = new Tablero();

Then I add an object in the array that is in, the object that I entered is as follows:

function Caballo(usu) {
    this.posinicial = tablero.habilitarPos();
    this.posfila = 0; //this.posinicial[0];
    this.poscol = 0; //this.posinicial[1];
    this.manzanas = 0;
    this.tipo = usu; // 1 usuario, 2 maquina
    this.dondeSaltar = function(){
        return movimientosValidos(parseInt(this.posfila),parseInt(this.poscol));
    this.setPos = function(pf,pc) {     
            this.poscol = pc;
            this.posfila = pf;

maquina = new Caballo(2);// inicio la maquina   
tablero_Original.actualizar(maquina); //ingreso la maquina en el tablero

NOW, I want to create a new board that is exactly the same as the original

var tableroClon =  new Tablero();
tableroClon.mapa = tablero_Original.mapa;

the problem is that when I do that and I want to add an object to the boardClon (that is, it remains with the original board object and another that I add new):

usuario = new Caballo(1);// inicio el usuario   
tableroClon.actualizar(usuario); //ingreso el usuario en el tablero

The two boards are updated, that is, the two boards remain the same.

asked by ANDRES FERNANDO MARTINEZ VALEN 20.05.2018 в 10:19

1 answer


You must clone the object, when you do:

tableroClon.mapa = tablero_Original.mapa;

You are referring to the same object stored in memory, so the changes you make in one will be reflected in the other.

The solution:

function copiarObjeto(objeto) {
    return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objeto));

tableroClon.mapa = copiarObjeto(tablero_Original.mapa);

For more detailed information: link

Basically converts the object to JSON and then converts it again, thus dereferencing everything referenced in memory. Look at the article, it's quite interesting.

answered by 21.05.2018 / 08:59