The fact is that I want to get a random array values from a array until they end.
All the array have 7 values in total and, in the end, what I want to achieve is to obtain a combination of these values automatically to generate sentences from it mode.
What I want is for these values colors, countrys and days to be sorted randomly.
This is the loop used for what it's worth:
var colours = ["White", "Red", "Black", "Purple", "Grey", "Yellow", "Blue"];
var countrys = ["Japan", "Korea", "Spain", "England", "China", "Singapur","Rumania"];
var days = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"];
for (var n = 0; n < colours.length; n++) {
document.write("My " + (n+1) + " choice is " + colours[n] + " in " + countrys[n] + " on " + days[n] + "<br>");