What does this WARN mean in the Node terminal?


Hello, I am uploading libraries to my project with "npm" and the following message is continuously displayed:


*** C: \ Users \ victor \ Desktop \ michaelgram & nt; npm install --save page npm WARN [email protected] No repository field. npm WARN optional SKIPPING   OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: [email protected] (node_modules \ fsevents): npm WARN   notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for   [email protected]: wanted {"os": "darwin", "arch": "any"} (current:   {"os": "win32", "arch": "x64"})


When I try to install [email protected] it does not allow it. It does not have to do with node, and if this can affect the project in the future. I searched for Google without success. I am using Windows 10, and the terminal of Node.js command prompt. But with the "cmd" of the system the WARNs also came out and with other libraries it also happened to me. Thanks.

asked by Miguel Espeso 03.05.2018 в 18:13

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