Run MySQL query on onChange


I have a select that shows the departments:

<select name="dpto" id="dpto">
   <option value="3">ATLANTICO</option>
   <option value="12">CESAR</option>

What I need is that when selecting X department, make a query to the Database and show me the data in the following way:

<span class="tipoboletin">Tipo Boletin: <b><?php echo $B_Tipo_Boletin ?></b></span>

This is the MySQL query I have:

SELECT * FROM boletin WHERE Departamento = '" . $idDpto . "'"

Where $idDpto would be the value of the department you select.

asked by Jose Dario Correa 21.08.2018 в 21:21

1 answer


you could do it in the following way this is just an example there are many ways to do it this is one of the easiest example:

  <select name="dpto" id="dpto">
       <option value="3">ATLANTICO</option>
       <option value="12">CESAR</option>

   <div id="resultados"></div><!--aqui se mostraran los resultados-->

js file



            var valorSelect=$(this).val()//obtenemos el valor seleccionado en una variable


            data:{ valorSelect:valorSelect},//enviamos lo seleccionado

               console.log( respuesta)
             $("#resultados").html(respuesta);//en el div con el id respuestas mostramos los resultados del callback






$valorSelect=$_POST["valorSelect"];//recojemos lo seleccionado

$query=mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT * FROM boletin WHERE Departamento = '" . $valorSelect . "'");


echo...////aqui imprimes tu resultados para que ajax lo recoja

I hope your help is welcome!

answered by 21.08.2018 в 21:37