Good morning, I would like to know if you could help me with the following, I currently have a combobox with a property disabled
I would like to know if there is any way to remove that red circle that comes out there, and replace it instead with a pop up of the combo information, thank you very much
Deputy code
"mDataProp": "Fecha_Vencimiento", "sTitle": "Vencimiento", "orderable": true, "sWidth": "28%",
render: function (data, type, row) {
var stringOptions = "";
$.each(row.TL_Lista_Fecha_Punto, function (key, value) {
stringOptions += "<option data-inicio-type=" + lfConvertirFecha(value.TF_Fecha_Inicio) + " value='" + lfConvertirFecha(value.TF_Fecha_Punto) + "'>" + lfConvertirFecha(value.TF_Fecha_Punto) + "</option>";
//stringOptions += "<option value='" + ConvertidorFechasMVC(ConvertirFechaFormato(new Date(ConvertirFechaJSON(value.TF_Fecha_Punto, "dd/mm/YYYY")), "dd/mm/YYYY")) + "'>" + ConvertidorFechasMVC(ConvertirFechaFormato(new Date(ConvertirFechaJSON(value.TF_Fecha_Punto, "dd/mm/YYYY")), "dd/mm/YYYY")) + "</option>";
return '<select id="lstPunto" class="combo" data-none-results-text="No se encontraron coincidencias." disabled>' + stringOptions + '</select>';