I have a screen that has a radioGroup
which only has two options, and depending on which one is selected, a query is made whose returned values are loaded in comboBox
. The problem is that the value of radioGroup
can not pass it to the Store using the comboBox
, I show them the code that is used.
This is used with Extjs. This is the Store code:
var cuentaStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
model : 'catCuentaModel',
proxy : {
type : 'ajax',
url : '../action/cuentas',
method : 'GET',
pageParam: false,
startParam: false,
limitParam: false,
noCache: false,
reader : {
type : 'json',
root : 'claveCuenta'
extraParams : {
'tCta' : ''
This is the code of the Form:
MyForm = Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
title: 'Reporte de Cuentas',
margin:'5 0 0 300',
renderTo: 'repcueayb',
url: urlReporte,
bodyStyle: 'padding:5px 5px 0',
//layout: 'vbox',
frame: true,
width: 600, //600
height: 230,
//layout: 'border',
standardSubmit: true,
items: [Txt_FechaIni, Txt_FechaFin,
xtype: 'radiogroup',
id: 'tipoCta',
fieldLabel: 'Tipo de cuenta',
width: 300,
items: [
{boxLabel: 'A', name: 'tCta', inputValue: 0, checked: true},
{boxLabel: 'B', name: 'tCta', inputValue: 1}
listeners: {
scope: this,
'checked': function() {
cuentaStore.getProxy().extraParams = {
tCta: Ext.getCmp('tipoCta')
params : {
tCta: Ext.getCmp('tipoCta')
id : 'cuenta',
name : 'cuenta',
xtype : 'combobox',
fieldLabel : 'Cuenta',
emptyText : '-Seleccionar-',
store : cuentaStore,
displayField : 'cuenta',
valueField : 'cuenta',
editable : false,
forceSelection : true,
triggerAction : 'all',
allowBlank : false,
blankText : 'Debe seleccionar unna cuenta.'
} ,
xtype: 'radiogroup',
id: 'formato',
fieldLabel: 'Formato',
items: [
{boxLabel: 'Excel', name: 'fmtoval', inputValue: 1, checked: true},
{boxLabel: 'PDF', name: 'fmtoval', inputValue: 2},
{boxLabel: 'CSV', name: 'fmtoval', inputValue: 3}
buttons: [btn, btn2]