I have a problem with a condition that I perform in javascript, I send to call id's with a denied condition, if all the inputs are different to empty, then I save the data in the database, however there are some cases in which I apply regular expressions, so the condition in some id no longer have to be denied, if not equal, but I do it and it does not store the data, I would like to know a way to do it, thanks.
case "UpdatePerfil":
if (document.getElementById('Perfil_Nombre').value != "" &&
document.getElementById('Perfil_ApellidoPaterno').value != "" &&
document.getElementById('Perfil_FechaNacimiento').value != "" &&
document.getElementById('ddl_Perfil_Sexo').value != "" &&
document.getElementById('ddl_Perfil_Pais').value != "" &&
document.getElementById('ddl_Perfil_Estado').value != "" &&
document.getElementById('Perfil_RFC').value != "" &&
document.getElementById('Perfil_RFC').value == /^([a-zA-
[01])|02(0[1-9]|[12]\d)|(04|06|09|11)(0[1-9]|[12]\d|30))([a-zA-Z0-9]{2}[0-9Aa])?$/) {