I am trying to generate links automatically for one chapter to another (in different .html) I got this code but I think it is too long as it could redurct / improve it
<div id="caps">
let url = "capitulo-10.html" //window.location;
let str = url.toString();
let numcap = str.slice(-7, -5);
let res = str.slice(0, -8);
let ant = parseInt(numcap) - 1;
let sig = parseInt(numcap) + 1;
let caps = document.querySelector("#caps");
if (ant < 10) {
caps.innerHTML += "<a href='" + res + "-0" + ant + ".html'>Capitulo Anterior</a><br>";
} else {
caps.innerHTML += "<a href='" + res + "-" + ant + ".html'>Capitulo Anterior</a><br>";
if (sig < 10) {
caps.innerHTML += "<a href='" + res + "-0" + sig + ".html'>Capitulo Siguiente</a><br>";
} else {
caps.innerHTML += "<a href='" + res + "-" + sig + ".html'>Capitulo Siguiente</a><br>";