I would like to save the url in a variable, the url comes in this way
I just need https://www.midominio.com/sites/document/
I would like to save the url in a variable, the url comes in this way
I just need https://www.midominio.com/sites/document/
You need to review the JavaScript Bible, String.prototype.substring()
(< em> Mozilla ) :
Here is an example:
var cadenaDeTexto = "https://www.midominio.com/sites/document/indice1.txt";
var ultimoSlash = cadenaDeTexto.lastIndexOf("/");
console.log(cadenaDeTexto.substring(0, ultimoSlash+1));
var hastaSites = cadenaDeTexto.indexOf('/document');
console.log(cadenaDeTexto.substring(0, hastaSites+1));
I could use Replace to replace in the array (what returns Split ) by applying the Pop that simulates a Desapilar
(Remove the last element stacked in this case index1.txt) (Stack )
For more information on these methods go to the documentation (The First)
var str = "https://www.midominio.com/sites/document/indice1.txt";
var result = str.replace(str.split('/').pop(),'');
Use a regular expression like the following:
capture group ^
start of the expression .
any character +
At least one or more characters \/
The diagonal is a special character so you have to escape it \.
The point is a special character so you have to escape it {3}
Three characters equal to the predecessor $
end of expression Example:
var URL = "https://www.midominio.com/sites/document/indice1.txt";
var re =/(^.+\/).+\..{3}$/
var resultado = re.exec(URL);