Problem with recursive multidimensional matrix


I need to make a recursive multidimensional array in javascript. I have made a function that clones an array, and I thought what the function of the matrix would be, but I do not know what I'm doing wrong.

I want, for example, matrix([2,3,4]) to return this to me:


[[[0,1,2,3]], [0,1,2,3], [0,1,2,3]], [[0,1,2,3], [0, 1,2,3], [0,1,2,3]]]

This means that the length of the array entered is the number of dimensions, and the numbers are the value of the dimensions, having a 3D matrix of 2x3x4 (height, width and height).

This is my code:

function copiarArray(A)
    var B=[]
    for(var i=0;i<A.length;i++)
    return B
function matriz(dims)
    var I=dims[0]
    var A=[]
    for(var i=0;i<I;i++)
        var dims2=copiarArray(dims)
    return A

Currently the error he gives me is:


Uncaught RangeError: Invalid array length (...)


If possible, I would like matriz(dims) to only receive one argument, that is, not allow more than one ... Otherwise, instead of [0,1,2,3] , let all values be in 0 , in this way, [0,0,0,0] .

asked by ArtEze 23.11.2016 в 02:43

3 answers


In addition to the response from @jcarrenog , you could also do so:

  • Array(length) , to create a array of the indicated length.

  • .shift() , to remove the first element of array .

  • dims.length ? , to know if you still have to execute the recursive function.

  • dims.slice(0) , to clone the array that is passed to the function.


function matrix(dims) {  
  var arr = Array(dims.shift() || 0);
  for (var idx = 0; idx < arr.length; idx++) {
    arr[idx] = dims.length ? matrix(dims.slice(0)) : idx;
  return arr;

answered by 26.01.2017 / 19:26
//x = alto, y = ancho, z = profundidad. Visto desde el 3D :D
function matriz(x, y, z){
    var array = [];
    var i = 0;
    for(var xi = 0; xi <= x-1; xi++){
        array.push(new Array());
        for(var yi = 0; yi <= y-1; yi++){
            array[xi].push(new Array());
            for(var zi = 0; zi <= z-1; zi++){
                array[xi][yi].push(new Array());
                array[xi][yi][zi] = i;
            i = 0;
    return array;

console.log(matriz(2, 2, 2));

I hope it works for you and that you understand: D

answered by 23.11.2016 в 03:26

As you ask for recursive, I think you mean this:

function matrix(dims) {  
  if (dims.length === 0) return 0;  
  var res = [],
      dimension = dims[0];
  for (var i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
    res[i] = matrix(dims.slice(1)) || res.length;
  return res;

var res = matrix([2, 3, 4]);
document.getElementById('res').innerText = JSON.stringify(res);

I leave you here a jsfiddle: link

answered by 23.11.2016 в 10:09