EmberJS: Use ESLint instead of JSHint


I'm using EmberJS v1.13 and currently running ember test uses JSHint to detect possible errors in the code and I need to tell Ember to use ESLint instead.

Any ideas on what I should do?

asked by learnercys 18.12.2015 в 22:38

2 answers


you could use the following tools:
1. For the browser: link
2. Using Visual Studio Code, you add an extension: go to the marketplace and install the Ember cli (it will help you)
3. Installing Ember CLI ESLint link

// ember-cli-build.js (or Brocfile.js on older versions of ember-cli)

var path = require('path');
var EmberApp = require('ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-app');
// 'npm install --save-dev js-string-escape'
var jsStringEscape = require('js-string-escape');

var app = new EmberApp({
  eslint: {
    testGenerator: eslintTestGenerator

function render(errors) {
  if (!errors) { return ''; }
  return errors.map(function(error) {
    return error.line + ':' + error.column + ' ' +
      ' - ' + error.message + ' (' + error.ruleId +')';

// Qunit test generator
function eslintTestGenerator(relativePath, errors) {
  var pass = !errors || errors.length === 0;
  return "import { module, test } from 'qunit';\n" +
    "module('ESLint - " + path.dirname(relativePath) + "');\n" +
    "test('" + relativePath + " should pass ESLint', function(assert) {\n" +
    "  assert.ok(" + pass + ", '" + relativePath + " should pass ESLint." +
    jsStringEscape("\n" + render(errors)) + "');\n" +

// Mocha test generator
function eslintTestGenerator(relativePath, errors) {
  var pass = !errors || errors.length === 0;
  return "import { describe, it } from 'mocha';\n" +
    "import { assert } from 'chai';\n" +
    "describe('ESLint - " + path.dirname(relativePath) + "', function() {\n" +
    "  it('" + relativePath + " should pass ESLint', function() {\n" +
    "    assert.ok(" + pass + ", '" + relativePath + " should pass ESLint." +
    jsStringEscape("\n" + render(errors)) + "');\n" +
   "  });\n});\n";
Have a nice, successful day with the development!     
answered by 18.12.2015 в 23:29

You could use ember-cli-eslint , installing:

ESLint 3 (for Node 4 or higher):

ember install ember-cli-eslint@3

ESLint 2 (for Node 0.10 or greater):

ember install ember-cli-eslint@2

Then you will delete jshint running:

npm uninstall --save-dev ember-cli-jshint

And you will delete all .jshintrc files left in the project.

answered by 14.09.2016 в 01:42