This is your Combobox, which as you mention you have no problem filling
<select data-no-selected="Sin Seleccionar" id="tuid" name="tuid" required class="form-control></select>
In a JS file, in this part when the file loads, what you put in your Load will be executed, example:
Here you can fill in your Combobox
But what does llenacombo.php contain?
$orden=mysqli_query($cn,"select * from tutabla");
echo '<option value="">Seleccione el Registro</option>';
echo '<option value="'.$datos['id'].'">'.$datos['nombre'].' </option>';
As you mention it when you change the selection of your combo, you should send the variable this is thanks to the "Change" event, this variable is collected in your php
var id2=$("#tuid").val();
But what does your php.php contain?
$orden=mysqli_query($cn,"select * from tabla2 where id=$param");
echo '<option value="">Seleccione Cedula</option>';
echo '<option value="'.$datos['id'].'">'.$datos['nombre'].'</option>';
Y To insert Data?
In this part you receive the parameters that you sent through JS
$orden=mysqli_query($cn,"INSERT INTO tabla2 (dato1,dato2) values param=$param1 where id=$param");
echo "Datos Insertado";