Is there a way to hide the route shown to the right of the JS console when a message is generated?
Let me explain, for example, when you generate a console.log("");
it tells you that the Virtual Machine generated it, well, that route appears when I generate messages in the console and it tells me what file and what line generated it.
There are some messages that I send to the console but I do not want to know where it was generated, that is, I do not want them to know where it was generated, only to see it as it is informative.
Example of this is for example when you open the console on Facebook, a message appears but it does not show the route that generates it.
How can you do that?
and neither the log it generates when executing this function:
//Función que borra el log generado en la consola según el navegador
function clearConsole() {
if (typeof console._commandLineAPI !== 'undefined') {
console.API = console._commandLineAPI;
} else if (typeof console._inspectorCommandLineAPI !== 'undefined') {
console.API = console._inspectorCommandLineAPI;
} else if (typeof console.clear !== 'undefined') {
console.API = console;