The image with display none I want it not to load


I have a question, I am optimizing a website and in the mobile version I am putting smaller images and therefore I am hiding the desktop image with CSS display none. The problem of mine is that no matter how much you put a display none of the desktop image is still loaded even if you can not see it. In what way can I do so that the desktop image is not loaded in the mobile version but when I enlarge the screen if the desktop version is loaded?

asked by Gerardo Fuentes 19.01.2018 в 15:39

1 answer


You could use javascript to load the image you want, it would look like this:

Suppose you have an image tag like this:

<img id='img_bg'>

Then you attend the event when the screen is resized:

$(function() { 
    reDim() //llamo aquí la función para que compruebe con el onLoad de la pagina las dimensiones cuando se cargue

    $( window ).resize(function() { // cada vez que se re dimensiona la pantalla compruebas en que dimensión esta para cargar la imagen que debe ser

  function reDim(){

     if( window.innerWidth >= 768){

           switch(window.innerWidth) {
               case 600:
               case 500:
               case 400:
               case 300:


Note: You must use jquery for the previous code.

answered by 19.01.2018 / 15:53