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Image Change name on server - PHP

Updated: Someone who can help me with this code friends, I have to save an image in server and database. The problem is that it saves the image on the server, but the insert query that I have is not executed. //*-----------------------------...
asked on 05.01.2016 / 16:36

Using rsync with patterns

How can I make copies of only the files whose names are similar to ones patterns ( patterns ) ? I tried using rsync , but either nothing is copied or everything is copied. These questions in SO in English did not help me: rsync inclu...
asked on 09.12.2015 / 02:55

Is not it necessary to initialize an accumulator?

Ando with this question, I would like to know why it is not necessary to initialize an accumulator in Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim valor, suma As Integer Do Console.Write("Ingrese valor (0 pera finalizar):") v...
asked on 29.03.2017 / 08:58

change the class of i with JQuery

Hi, I want to know if I can change the class of <i> with jquery that is with .attr but I do not know how to capture the or select the <i> , what I want is that when I click on the class I know that it is an icon, change...
asked on 19.06.2017 / 15:40

Perform a comma split taking into account if there are quotes

I have the following lines in java: 1234,"Calle Jaime III, 34", 67,3,U 1235,Avenida Los Algodones, 12,1,L 1236,"Calle Principal""31234", 46,3,H 1237,"Calle Alfonso X,22", 65,2,J I would like to do a Split for the character   , but...
asked on 23.05.2017 / 18:15

Disable refresh screen until end of operation

Currently I have a code that refreshes me MdiCildren screens, the fact is that by doing this visually it is a bit ugly until it ends, so I need to know if it is possible and how to do not paint anything on the screen until you arrive a point and...
asked on 23.02.2017 / 09:24

center in Image does not work correctly

The images have to be as they are on top of each other, since that is the main idea. But as you can see the text centers it correctly, but the image does not. How can I solve this? body{ overflow-x: hidden; background:...
asked on 01.03.2017 / 13:28

Does the order of conditions in a WHERE change the efficiency of the query?

If I have a query of the type: SELECT a, b FROM c WHERE a = 5 and b LIKE '%foo%' And I have another: SELECT a, b FROM c WHERE b LIKE '%foo%' and a = 5 I have executed both and both have the same execution time, but as for the consumpti...
asked on 27.06.2017 / 23:24

Prevent items in a view from being hidden by calling viewDidLayoutSubviews

I have been following a tutorial on how to implement a login with parse with the function of logging in with Facebook and Twitter, however, I find a detail. In principle the elements of the main view are hidden by means of the viewDidLayou...
asked on 27.12.2015 / 21:33

Is it possible to remove the header and footer when printing with browsers?

I would like to know if it is possible to automatically deactivate the headers and footers generated by google chrome or firefox. Date, title of the page, URL address and number of pages. There is a manual way, giving you other options and...
asked on 29.03.2017 / 20:07