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Add two conditions C?

What I'm trying to do is make a C program, that gives me the final grade of a subject and depending on the number, show me a message on screen. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main (){ float cal1=0, cal2=0, cal3=0, cal4=0...
asked on 31.10.2016 / 04:31

Casting of numbers with decimal point

Good morning to all of you, today I am trying to round a value of FLOAT to two decimals but doing so by consulting SQL SERVER shown below, some values rounded me correctly and others not, example: 19.1 I rounded to 19.10 already with t...
asked on 30.11.2016 / 16:34

Change color a png image with transparent background

I have an image of a sky blue star, I would like to change the color to the star only. #estrella img{ height: 35px; } </html> <head> <title>Cambiar el color de la imagen</title> </head> <div id="...
asked on 15.10.2016 / 23:20

How to make a query WHERE NOT EXIST after an INSERT in SQL

I have problems with the following query: INSERT INTO 'pasajeros' ( 'nombre','apellidos','email','password','telefono') VALUES ('Alexandra','Gonzalez','[email protected]','1234567!','04242344556' ) WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM 'transportista...
asked on 16.03.2017 / 21:04

What is the operator for? : (conditional operator) in C #

I have a little doubt with the following code: int n1 = 20; int n2 = 10; int n3 = (n1 > n2) ? n1:0; Console.WriteLine(n3); Console.ReadKey(); I do not understand why n3 ends up being 20 What roles fulfill the ? and the...
asked on 18.05.2017 / 02:03

Javascript - Convert a Timestamp string to human date format

I have the following information: Timestamp: 1481751645.455596 I want to convert it to the following format: Wed, 14 Dec 2016 21:40:45 GMT. I used the following website: link to be able to verify that the Timestamp format that I show you...
asked on 15.12.2016 / 13:44

Extract a date from a string in Java

I'm trying to extract the date from a string that can come in different formats such as: Cod. principal: 785369-06 Fecha 14/10/2015 And even things after the date, such as: Fecha 2015-11-24 asddsa12 Otros datos: 12202 How could I do to...
asked on 05.01.2017 / 01:20

Send mail via Gmail from Java

This module sends mail only authenticated in Hotmail, how do I authenticate in the same way in Gmail and Yahoo? ..... Try adding the line: props.setProperty ("", "smtp. "), but does not authenticate via Gmail. Propertie...
asked on 31.01.2017 / 14:49

'getMonth ()' is deprecated

I am getting the current month as follows: int mesActual = new Date().getMonth() +1; //enero=0 diciembre=11 But this method is obsolete. How do I replace it?     
asked on 15.12.2016 / 18:57

Segmentation Fault - Recursion

I created the following function: void imprimir(void){ cout << "Y\n"; imprimir(); } Trying to learn more about the usefulness of using a recursive function (a function that calls itself). By including it in my code, this ha...
asked on 27.03.2017 / 22:37