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Validate several input with a single function

I have a form made in HTML with several controls and a script in javascript to validate if they are full or not, the problem is that I want to validate each one but not to do a function for each control window.onload = function () { do...
asked on 09.08.2018 / 20:26

List within a for in

I have the following code for (a in secciones){ ncompoa += "<h1>"; ncompoa += secciones[a]; ncompoa += "</h1>"; ncompoa += "<ol>"; for (li in producto) {...
asked on 06.08.2018 / 18:42

How do you load data from ajax when the page loads?

What I want to do is that when entering the page, a table with the information of the users is loaded, but using JS, I do not like to put PHP code in the HTML, the question is that I do not know how to apply it through ajax, Data will be sent, w...
asked on 28.07.2018 / 02:13

Display data from a DataGridView column in float

I'm developing an application in Windows C # which takes the order inside a datagridview and when you press the "calculate total" button you have to add the "Cost" column. The problem is that I do not respect the decimals since it shows the whol...
asked on 12.09.2018 / 20:49

C # Threads error the process can not access the file because that being used in another process

I am working on C # with threads but I can not print them in a txt because the error occurs:    The process can not access the file   'C: \ Users \ wuesi \ Desktop \ Data.txt' because it is being used in   another process System.IO.IOExceptio...
asked on 03.06.2018 / 00:20

Duplicate data - Double inner join

I have a question about a MYSQL query. I have the following tables: tabla: partidos id_partido, id_local_partido, id_visita_partido, estado_partido, rdolocal_partido, rdovisita_partido, cancha_partido, hora_partido, torneo_partido, jornada_...
asked on 27.06.2018 / 04:19

Extract part of a chain between two specific points

Recently I found myself needing to extract all the values that are between two specified points of a chain, in this case everything that is inside the parentheses "()" . What would be the most optimal way to do this? string cadena =...
asked on 11.06.2018 / 16:59

Current date in input html

I'm looking for the field: <input type="date" id="fecha" name="fecha" Type date show the current system date, thanks.     
asked on 09.08.2018 / 21:54

How do events in C # trigger?

Passing through EVENTS and DELEGATES in C #, I find the Click event in almost all the controls, I want to make a personalized event, I have tried to see the definition of the "CLICK" event. I understand that the next line invokes the delegate an...
asked on 11.07.2018 / 16:37

Can I form a WHERE in a variable of @?

A question, Can I put the condition (WHERE) in a variable? where does it contain all the conditions and use it at the end of my SP? If it is possible, how could it be done? something like SELECT * FROM TABLA WHERE fecha = @condiciones; W...
asked on 06.08.2018 / 22:11