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JAVA: Program that reads an integer and a position

I was given an exercise so that in Java I could do a program that read a multi-digit integer and a position; and then show on the screen the number of the number that is in the indicated position. For example, for number 1234 position 1 should r...
asked on 08.05.2018 / 18:56

Play two audio at the same time

I have an audio repository on my website and I would like to be able to play more than one at a time, but I can not figure out how to do it. I leave the code in case anyone knows the answer: var $player = $('.js-audio-player'), $pl...
asked on 18.04.2018 / 14:41

How to capture a variable type int in js?

Well, I do not know if I made myself understood correctly, so I explain. I am working with what is HTML, JS, PHP and MySQL. At the moment my only problem would be with JS. I'm trying to use an if, to compare 2 numbers, one has to be yes or if le...
asked on 12.04.2018 / 23:14

Is there a "Try-catch" in VB 6.1?

I'm playing a program made in VB6, I have to perform an execution control in case errors are generated in the following code: Dim shell As Object Dim RUTA As String RUTA = misGlobales.PathReports & "\SLG_Invocador.exe" Set shell = CreateOb...
asked on 28.03.2018 / 17:40

Do hover in a div and apply hover in a brother div?

I have the following code: <div id="contenido-plano"> <div id="plano"> <img class="img-sensor" src=""> <div style="top:10px; left:100px;" class="sensor ui-corner-all ui-state-highli...
asked on 17.04.2018 / 22:41

Redirect to login in Laravel 5.4 if the token fails

When I'm on the login page for a while without activity and I try to login, I get the error TokenMismatchException and I know it has to do with the token that is in the access form and that being so long without activity the token become...
asked on 04.05.2018 / 16:43

Redirect from Login in html

I'm trying to make a login in html and validate if the username and password are correct with a javascript (for the moment I only see if username and password are the same), and depending on whether they are correct or not redirect me to one pag...
asked on 31.03.2018 / 19:46

Organize buttons within List Group Item

I want to make a kind of "To Do List" with delete and edit buttons but every time I add a new element, these buttons are badly organized, they are left as follows How can I get the buttons to be well centered within the cadfa element of...
asked on 06.04.2018 / 20:18

Why does not String.Format work in a subtraction of textbox?

I have been trying to put thousands points in the heritage textbox for hours, which comes from a subtraction between less passive assets, but when it is subtracted when it is subtracted and it stops calculating, why does this happen? protected...
asked on 24.04.2018 / 15:14

Cause a .change () to fire when 2 inputs were modified

The problem I have is that I want an update to be made when I modify two fields of the text box type for it. I have a function that takes both IDs and when I detect the change, call a function: $(document).ready(function miFuncion() { let...
asked on 04.04.2018 / 00:46