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Save the ip when sending a form django

I want to add a field in the Post class that stores the ip of the person who sends the form. This is my "" file from django.db import models from django.utils import timezone class Post(models.Model): author = models.ForeignKey('...
asked on 23.07.2017 / 19:16

change the color of a div from an external page from a plugin

I made an add-on for chrome, the functionality is to change the color of the div "textarea_simulator" from the page link , just for doing the test I'm playing with that div but I can not change the color, this is my code js. chrome.brows...
asked on 28.10.2016 / 00:53

JSF Primefaces: Bug when exporting selected rows (excel, pdf)

I have a table on which I can select several rows using a checkbox that would be the column selector : <p:dataTable value="#{cityBean.cities}" var="city" id="dt_cities" widgetVar="w_cities" filteredValue="#{c...
asked on 25.10.2016 / 13:54

How to build a unique number based on several numbers

Good morning, to explain better what I want to know is to let you know so I can use it. With a class called Personaje I want to know how it is dressed, it would be enough to create several variables where a number is stored that identi...
asked on 19.07.2017 / 23:49

Delete events from the document element

I have several listeners. Each time my file is executed with this code, it is listened to and executed n times, according to the number of times it uses the .js file. I would like to eliminate all events so that it only works once. document.a...
asked on 25.07.2017 / 18:15

Android Timer or Service

Hello with all I have an application that works with a database, I want to execute a query in the base like the one that I leave later, the detail is that this method (query) should only be executed at 7:30 of the Tomorrow every day someone can...
asked on 22.10.2016 / 07:02

if online php does not work

I have this code <?php $country=$result['pais']; } $strSQL = "SELECT id, nombre FROM paises"; $query = mysqli_query($db, $strSQL); $totalrows = mysqli_num_rows($query); ?> <select class="form-control" name="acccountry"> <?p...
asked on 28.10.2016 / 10:45

Register a series of clicks in JavaScript

I am working on an HTML5 game of memory called SIMON in which there is a board with 4 colored pads (green, red, yellow and blue), an ignition switch and 2 buttons to play in different modes. The user must click on the number of pads that are...
asked on 22.10.2016 / 05:45

Difference between RealmList and RealmResults in of Android

What are the differences in returning the data of a query that are in the form of RealmList or RealmResults ?     
asked on 20.10.2016 / 12:35

Obtain the highest value name of a Sql Server query

Good morning. I have a table in Sql Server that contains Id , Nombre , Numero . The names can be repeated but each will have a unique id , I need to get the names that have the number ( Phone ) greater. I attach...
asked on 20.10.2016 / 01:35