Questions tagged as '.net'


AWS CodeDeploy - Error Code: UnknownError, Invalid argument @ rb_sysopen

I am deploying a deploy (CodeDeploy) on a Windows instance (EC2) using TeamCity, but the deploy can not be completed because of the following error:    Error CodeUnknownError       Script Name       Message Invalid argument @ rb_sysop...
asked by 14.03.2018 / 17:05

Office Interop does not work in Windows Server 2016

Good day, dear ones: What libraries or resources do I need to properly operate a .NET application that uses Office Interop in a Windows Server 2016 ? The error that does not allow me to continue is:    The COM class generator could n...
asked by 20.03.2018 / 16:43

Visual study does not recognize references immediately

Good morning, I am trying to raise an environment in visual studio 2017, the project was developed vs 2008, however I have raised environments up to 1.0, but this solution has 51 projects, that is the only variant, the behavior is as follows:...
asked by 21.02.2018 / 16:57

Register DLL in GAC in Windows Server 2003 on framework 4.0

On a Windows Server 2003 Standard x86 SP2 server I try to register a DLL generated with target framework 4.0 x86 The DLL does not have any reference or dependency from later versions, checked both in the project and with a later decompiled....
asked by 16.02.2018 / 10:46

About Events in the JStree

I am using a jstree in a .net mvc5 application but when I load it with the root node closed and it does not show the child nodes, I have to double click to expand, as I can make it open by default in the first level, and that when a single click...
asked by 30.01.2018 / 21:18

Prevent the Entity Framework from trying to insert if the nested resource exists

My case is the following, I have a class orders that a client has, I have two cases, I can pass a post with a new client or I can pass a post with an existing client, if the client does not exist it will try to insert, but if there is going to t...
asked by 01.02.2018 / 15:07

Error Oracle.DataAccess can not find Dll

Good morning, I kindly request help with the following error that my web application generates in visual studio 4> C: \ Users \ svictorino \ Documents \ Confidential and privileged \ workspace \ PCCE-V2 \ pcce \ web.config (295): Compile (...
asked by 04.01.2018 / 15:30

Run python script using C # .NET

Good morning. I'm making an C# .NET application that needs to call a script of python . I tried to call the script through the library IronPython : using IronPython.Hosting; using Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting; p...
asked by 04.01.2018 / 00:02

Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.StorageException: Canceled the request: The request was canceled

I have this problem when trying to upload a BLOB file to Azure, it does not happen to me with all the computers, some if they manage to upload the files. Any suggestions? Thanks See the end of this message for more details on how to invoke Ju...
asked by 18.12.2017 / 16:05

Generate a LOGGING file using System.Diagnostics. C #

I am trying to generate a .log file using System.Diagnostics in a console project. The problem is that the .log file that I generate, returns it to me empty. Here is the code I used in .NET : TraceSource tr = new TraceSource("Wall...
asked by 20.10.2017 / 17:27