Questions tagged as 'android-layout'


In a TabbedActivity with a ViewPager, the ListView are cut off from below

I have a TabbedActivity with three Fragments of type list but I get cut off below: I've tried everything but I do not know what to do. This is the TabbedActivity layout: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?...
asked by 26.01.2016 / 09:54

Detect if an item is visible within a NestedScrollView on Android?

I need to detect if an element inside a scroll is being displayed on the screen. On my test bench I have a text lorem impsum and then a button myBtn1 To detect when scrolling in NestedScrollView use Button myBtn1 = (Button)...
asked by 07.06.2016 / 12:52

Doubt about the constants of animations in Android?

Use those constants in an object Go ahead and set the duration (short, medium or long) int final static config_shortAnimTime=200; int final static config_mediumAnimTime=400; int final static config_longAnimTime=500; Is there any way to get...
asked by 29.05.2016 / 10:51

Access the variables / data of adjustments in android referring to the utility as hotspot (share internet)

I was trying to print the internet sharing data of my Android system by a Textview but I am not finding any information on how to access them. My idea is to pass to the tex a string with the name assigned to the Internet sharing network, but...
asked by 06.11.2018 / 12:15

return to the main activity in navigation draw

Good morning. When I launch my application, the first screen that shows me is the main container of the fragments that I have in the navigation draw. When selecting the items that take me to the different fragments I could not find a way to retu...
asked by 02.10.2017 / 16:28

Fragments are created with a Gray background and not white as default

In my project, when I create a fragment, it creates them and the backgrounds instead of being White or Transparent creates it with a gray color, which at the time of executing any component of type gridLayout, for example, shows a gray color at...
asked by 19.05.2017 / 17:58

Reduce row space in a CardView [closed]

I have a problem, when implementing a Cardview. is the code of my layout: < android:id="@+id/card_view" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:la...
asked by 07.03.2017 / 19:39

Problems multiscreen layouts android

I already have a few days trying the layouts of my app with all the emulators. My acitivity has a videoview and the video title below the videoview. More information below the title. With the following code <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf...
asked by 08.08.2016 / 22:33

Animating a slideUp and SlideDown view on Android

How could you animate for example a LinearLayout that houses a banner, with animation SlideUp to show it and SlideDown to hide it altogether Toggle . I want to create a banner visualizer of its own, that detects whe...
asked by 03.10.2016 / 18:59

Implement Undo and Redo in an EditText on Android

As much as I am looking for, the EditText component does not integrate a Undo changes system, I would like to implement a system Undo/Redo ie Deshacer/Rehacer Or do you know a component that derives from EditText o...
asked by 26.06.2016 / 08:18