Questions tagged as 'android-studio'


How to make a list using fragments

I am having probelmas trying to show a list inside of a fragment, inside activity_main I have the following code, that for the moment it only shows a textview with a phrase and if I keep it that way the menu I am using works for me (template of...
asked by 17.07.2018 / 23:42

Error E / JSON Parser: Error parsing data org.json.JSONException: Value br of type java.lang.String can not be converted to JSONObject

Very good to all and first of all thank you for reading this I've been pulling my hair for a couple of days because I try to create an application in android studio, but I can not get past the attempt to create the user account, I use PHP, wa...
asked by 17.07.2018 / 12:08

Real-time database without firebase for android

I am a bit new in the development of mobile applications and I have to know how to implement a real-time view of my database in my Android application, it is not an SQL DB but an external DB that connects it to the library. volley     
asked by 17.07.2018 / 09:26

How to integrate a Presenter to an empty Activity?

I am implementing a Presenter at a Activity empty, that is, my Activity_main is completely empty without any element or widget, it asks me: How do I integrate this Presenter in my Activity so that I throw a JSON in that Activity em...
asked by 24.07.2018 / 19:23

How can I load the spinner after they finish all the get reponse of androidnetworking?

What happens is that I am using the FastAndroidNetworking library and when I perform a get to load the local database (I am using ROOM), it ends after I load the spinner (I am using the MaterialSpinner), in what way I can tell the spinner to wai...
asked by 16.07.2018 / 18:44

How to apply the new Android Studio dependency settings?

I just updated Android Studio and I received several warnings saying that the following settings had changed: compile provided apk The warning messages were like this:    Configuration 'compile' is obsolete a...
asked by 15.04.2018 / 22:29

Help on barcode on android

I am trying to add the following compile dependency 'me.dm7.barcodescanner: zxing: 1.9'. The purpose is to make an application that reads bar code and write it in a text box but apparently it is no longer used compile but you have to use impleme...
asked by 17.07.2018 / 07:16

The files of my Android project have disappeared

Yesterday I formatted my windows. I kept my project in D:\AndroidStudioProjects Today I installed Android Studio on my new operating system but the "drawable" nor the project classes DO NOT APPEAR Only this appears to me: I do not u...
asked by 17.07.2018 / 07:21

Fragment error: can not find symbol method findViewById (int)

I'm working with fragments, and I made a new fragment in which I need to use a button that turns on the phone's flashlight. The problem is that when I try to declare it, it gives me an error, (I still get an error in @Override): package com.ex...
asked by 17.07.2018 / 05:12

Display data saved in Sqlite

How to show in a Text view the data stored in the Sqlite database by pressing the button, because with the current code when I press the button I get EnsayoNull. This is the code: package com.example.mand.crudsqliteandroid;...
asked by 18.07.2018 / 00:39