Questions tagged as 'android-studio'


How can I consult several elements of a database with the same identifier? -SQLite-Android Studio

I want to consult a SQLite database in Android Studio. Having a database of people, which has the fields age and name. What I want is to extract from the database all people who are 19 years old. SQLiteDatabase db = OpenHelper.getReadableData...
asked by 08.05.2018 / 21:08

ImageView does not load me with your android studio route

From my application I access the gallery to select an image, after selecting it in the database I keep the path of that image, but then to load it in an imageview it does not load it with the saved route and it is that I notice the next problem,...
asked by 21.04.2018 / 04:22

How to deserialize data from Firebase with inheritance in AndroidStudio

I'm doing a very simple app to learn how to use FireBase correctly. My problem comes when I want to deserialize objects that inherit from X classe. Example: The AnimalManager class will be the one containing my ArrayList The classes...
asked by 13.04.2018 / 22:37

Some example of OCR vision text for android

Does anyone have an example of ocr that detects the text with the camera and that is working? I have already searched and followed the google tutorial: link and it does not work anymore, change the version of the dependencies compil...
asked by 16.04.2018 / 09:58

Anndroid App + PHP + MySQL

I'm doing an app for Android that makes a login to a server in MySQL , it must first go through a php file where it connects to the server and picks up the user and password of who is going to login. I made the php file that connects to the s...
asked by 16.04.2018 / 13:20

Adapt the entire camera to a fragment

I am developing an app to query qr in a database but I am having problems with the camera I am using the ZXING library to capture the QR data and generate the query But fragment is only adapting a part of the camera, I share the XML and the c...
asked by 16.04.2018 / 22:52

problems when making a request get

I explain the situation: I give permission to use the internet in the manifest and then I want to make an unanswered request by get to a web If I write (to test) the URL works fine link But if I write it inside a button in the an...
asked by 16.04.2018 / 20:30

Json null, an object was expected but it was a string (android studio)

When I try to register or login a user using a database (php) in android studio I get the following error in the logcat: java.lang.illegalstateesception expected begin_object but was string (Android Studio). Also, in the logcat I can observe the...
asked by 22.04.2018 / 12:10

Developing a Keyboard in Android Studio - How do I add the superindices to the keys?

I'm working on a keyboard ( keyboard ) in Android Studio , but I've been stuck on how to place the superscripts to the keys ( see red circles in the image ), on the keyboard of the example image, on the Q place a 1, on the W a 2, also on th...
asked by 23.04.2018 / 05:20

I get this error: AAPT2 error: check logs for details

I'm getting this error! and I really do not know what it can be since I've tried several things. AAPT2 error: check logs for details Run tasks 2s 461ms null resource android:style/TextAppearance.Material not found. resource android:...
asked by 23.04.2018 / 01:14