Questions tagged as 'android'


Android Error Xamarin C # [closed]

I wanted to know if someone else has happened to him. Once I compile the project correctly (Visual studio 2015) and the apk is generated I install the application on my Android phone I open it and I get the message "The application has been inte...
asked by 24.03.2017 / 16:58

Open Activity previously created without reloading

Activity A called Activity B and C. Intent intent_mapa = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), ActivityB.class); intent_mapa.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT); startActivity(intent_mapa); Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationC...
asked by 24.03.2017 / 21:37

Customize an edittext on android

Is there any way to change the edittext, so that pressing a key specifies the edittext change and show the shape of a fraction for you to enter the numbers? Something similar to what happens in Mathway, or uses something other than an edittex...
asked by 26.03.2017 / 07:00

Mediaplayer in service for Radio Streaming app

I made an app for an online radio in a town, I would like to know if you can help me to play in the background in a service, so that I tell you to kill the main activity, the radio keeps listening. I share code with you: package
asked by 25.03.2017 / 19:58

Show alert dialog when a call is received

I'm making an app that when receiving a call gets the number of the incoming call, looks for it in a BD, and shows a message with the data associated with that number. So far, I notified it with a Toast, I want it to show something like an alert...
asked by 25.03.2017 / 22:41

Problems with the onActivityResult

I want to send a Json from one activity to another. In the first activity, inside the onClick of a button I have the following: Intent i = new Intent(PrimeraActivity.this, SegundaActivity.class); startActivityForResult(i, REQUEST_CODE); In...
asked by 28.03.2017 / 00:45

Android 2.3: Two buttons in Listview with BaseAdapter and OnClickListener

MY CASE: I have a fragment (fraArticulos) and its respective Layout (lytarticulos) which contains a listview (lstArticulos). public class fraArticulos extends Fragment { String[] NomProd = {'PC','Teclado','M...
asked by 14.03.2017 / 00:53

NodeJS-Express res.json and res.render

I am doing a mobile client for my application in NodeJS but I do not have much experience doing a REST Web Service, and I am trying to return a JSON in my application to receive it in the Android APP, but I only return a single file type, HTML o...
asked by 13.03.2017 / 21:44

Spinner with an initial text

Cordial greeting, by means of a query to a page: http://localhost/baradm/ubica.php?id=002 I get the answer .json: [{"DESCRP":"MESA 01"},{"DESCRP":"CUARTO 01"},{"DESCRP":"CUARTO 02"}] This I have uploaded to a Spinner: And I wi...
asked by 17.03.2017 / 10:35

Android send photos to a server

surely there are many post of these for several places, I have read several and I have looked for several examples. Not being an expert on Android there are some things that I can not understand, so I do this POST, because the weird thing is tha...
asked by 18.03.2017 / 23:14