What I want is that, instead of entering the email and password ( "[email protected]", "xxxxpassword" ), directly in the code,
use the email already registered by the user on the phone , I hope your help thanks.
protected String...
I can not change the path of SQLITE .
I set up a database in android studio and the class that extends from SQLiteOpenHelper
I have:
public Constructor (Context ctx){
super(ctx, NombreBase, null, 1)
First of all, I am somewhat inexperienced (very inexperienced) with AsyncTask and I have two problems.
first I pass a user and pass to the Task to compare the ones with those of my DB in the Login section and the second is the same but...
Good afternoon!
I'm working with Executors, I have a button that when pressing it makes a toast every 5 seconds, my question is if there is a way to kill that process by pressing the button again.
I read that with future.cancel() but I...
I am starting to program a small project in Android Studio. I want to make a query to the base, in case the connection fails it gives me a message in a Toast:
Network error IDException: failed to connect to /ANDRESPC\SQLEXPRESS
(port 1433): co...
I am developing a app in which I want to connect said app to a api . But I'm having problems receiving the json to be able to show it within my app . I share the code.
public class MainActivity...
Well I want to take a Photo and save it without the photo being shown from the gallery.
this is the code I use:
File MiFotoTemporal = new File(RUTAFOTO+ NOMBREFOTO);
Uri uri = Uri.fromFile(MiFotoTemporal);
I have a problem with the ArrayAdapter inside a Fragment, apparently if I display the number of objects inside my ArrayList but it shows me the following:
This is my Fragement_2.Java file
public class Fragment_2 extends Fragment {
Today I want to generate my APK and trying to do it I find this error:
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformDexArchiveWithExternalLibsDexMergerForDebug'.
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException:
How can you make the app open? by clicking on a link from the web browser, chrome, firefox ... a link of type geo:... Geo URI scheme
What I have:
Capture when the user clicks on a geo:......